But modern note-taking involves Buy MS Office 2011 Home and Student Family Pack than typed text. OneNote Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 discount colored tabs called Sections to organize notes Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 discount a virtual three-ring binder. Gigantic-screen phone for Officf gigantic price. We're Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 discount hard on this program because we think it could do a great service to note-takers like us. The interface shares the familiar menus-and-toolbars Miccrosoft common among Microsoft's business applications--a comforting layout for longtime Microsoft Office users. OneNote also lets you pull content from numerous sources: an Excel worksheet, a Word document, even a photo or a chart from a Web site for later export. The handful of a number zero. Until tablets get cheap and are graceful enough to build a dedicated consumer audience, why not optimize OneNote for the larger, more solid notebook market? Don't show this again. A gray box called a word container appears around a group of notes, letting you drag that segment anywhere across the page--handy for rearranging thoughts entered hastily during a meeting. The Bad Expensive; tech support limited to one free query. For example, those blue boxes are often hard to select, either with mouse or pen. Figure The list of typing?