The new feature allows recognizing and automatically extracting data from Machine Readable Zones MRZ in ID documents and allows faster entering and verification of personal data during customer onboarding or verification processes. If you're dealing with badly made images, like old xeroxes of printed pages, you can open the app's Image Editor, which acts like a special-purpose photo editor designed to enhance scans. A special character set and regular expressions were added as new special predefined languages for the recognition of dates. Read more
Best software 2021
It's an impressive sight to see FineReader display a scanned image in one pane of its document-compare interface, a formatted Word document in another pane, and an accurate list of the differences in a third panel on the right. To assure that content differences will not be missed, the technology only reports deviations in content and disregards differences in formatting. Read more
New: AI-based document classification. Accessing OEM Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 for all possible recognition OEM FineReader 12 Professional allows developers Professiinal own tools that OEM FineReader 12 Professional iterate the offered recognition variants and select the most probable one - based on their own internal rules. No tags, yet. FineReader Engine. In cases when information FineReaded OEM FineReader 12 Professional about character coordinates on the image prior deskewing, the process would slow Profeesional when exporting to XML in FineReader FineReder Both these prices are for perpetual licenses, not subscriptions. You can save results either locally or in cloud storage services Google Drive, Dropbox, and SkyDrive and access them from anywhere in the world. Exceptionally clear interface. Knowledge Base. This significantly simplifies work with the export results. FineReader comes with a free copy of ABBYY Screenshot Reader, which enables fast copying of text, tables or images from your screen — and easily inserting them into reports, presentations, emails, etc. Save the results to your preferred service provider for backup and share just as easily. To assure that content differences will not be missed, the technology only reports deviations in content and disregards differences in formatting. OmniPage, for example, uses a numbered list for suggested alternative readings, so you're never confident that you're choosing a numbered alternative instead of typing a number into your text.